In general terms, the real estate investment climate has been very positive since 2014. Investment hit a record high in 2015, due to the entry of international investment funds and increased activity by Spanish real estate investment trusts. In 2016 there was a slight dip, although investments in non-residential assets nonetheless amounted to about €9 billion that year. The forecasts suggest that the Spanish real estate sector will remain one of the most attractive in the Eurozone.


Restrictions on foreign investment in real estate

Spain has enshrined the principles of freedom of establishment and non-discrimination, and there are thus no legal restrictions to foreign investment. Nonetheless, special zones of interest for national security reasons may require express authorisation; as may case coastal zones and islands where foreign property ownership can be limited to a certain percentage.

Since 1999 transactions are considered foreign investments only if the amount involved exceeds €3,005,060.52. In such cases a simple retroactive notice to the government is required in order to satisfy governmental formalities. On the other hand, there is a formal obligation to report any investments that originate in so-called ‘tax havens’ prior to carrying out the investment.

Together with the current anti-money laundering legislation, a considerable amount of information is requested from foreign investors. The rules on investment are always linked to the place of origin of the investment, rather than to nationality. EU citizens are exceptions to this rule

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